Relaxation and wellbeing

Mens sane in corpore sano – a healthy mind in a healthy body. Who takes time to relax, takes time for oneselve. We have greater need of ‘me time’…

Health and wellbeing employees


Reflect a bit. On who you are and what do you do. Rest, sit, do nothing. Give your brain a chance to clear, give it a well-deserved rest.


Yoga relaxes and gives renewed energy. A variety of yoga poses, combined with correct breathing, help you to rediscover yourself and eliminate the stress of daily existence.


“Carpe diem” – We can only seize the day when we become aware of the moment, the here and now. We often forget that it exists and that we need to enjoy it. But how can this be learned.


Allow yourself to be treated by a professional masseur and discover how healing hands can be. Massage is the ultimate anti-stress agent.

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