Digital well-being platform
Thanks to our digital well-being platform, your organisation will provide discrete and professional coaching and support to your employees. They use the different services offered via well-being credits.
We work on six different themes
Work related questions
You have a question to which an answer is not immediately available from your colleagues or your boss? An issue that you’d rather discuss with a professional external partner?
Personal development
How can you change your life positively and permanently by working on your thoughts and behaviour? What can you do to grow personally? How can you develop your positive traits?
Personal questions
Personal questions can be a source of protracted worrying. And it’s not always possible to leave your personal problems at home and arrive at work carefree. This detracts from your ability to enjoy life, but your job satisfaction also suffers.
Health & vitality
Sleeping well, healthy food, sufficient movement: you are more than your head. Your body is just as important as your brain. The trick is to bring both in balance.
Relaxation and wellbeing
Mens sane in corpore sano – a healthy mind in a healthy body. Who takes time to relax, takes time for oneselve. We have greater need of ‘me time’…
Back to work after a time away. How do you avoid falling back into old habits? Which steps do you take to reintegrate more smoothly?
Within each of these themes, your employees will receive information in a confidential manner about the support of professional coaches, therapists, psychologists or other experts within a particular domain. From now on, employees hold the key to their mental well-being and balanced lifestyle at home and at work in their own hands. They also get the opportunity to address questions to a point of contact within your company, but can just as well contact 361°’s team.
Within each of these themes, your employees will receive information in a confidential manner about the support of professional coaches, therapists, psychologists or other experts within a particular domain. From now on, employees hold the key to their mental well-being and balanced lifestyle at home and at work in their own hands. They also get the opportunity to address questions to a point of contact within your company, but can just as well contact 361°’s team.
Every large or small business can use our digital well-being platform enable for both preventive and curative purposes by taking a monthly subscription. The well-being platform takes form through a partnership with all stakeholders. We support you during the implementation, adjust where necessary and perform a thorough evaluation.
Every large or small business can use our digital well-being platform enable for both preventive and curative purposes by taking a monthly subscription. The well-being platform takes form through a partnership with all stakeholders. We support you during the implementation, adjust where necessary and perform a thorough evaluation.
Our promise? Experience shows that spending 2 to 3 years on an integrated well-being policy results in a decrease of absenteeism by 5% to 20%. For a company counting 200 employees, this represents a saving of at least € 50,000 to € 300,000. Therefore, our digital well-being platform can be seen as a response to absenteeism.
Our promise? Experience shows that spending 2 to 3 years on an integrated well-being policy results in a decrease of absenteeism by 5% to 20%. For a company counting 200 employees, this represents a saving of at least € 50,000 to € 300,000. Therefore, our digital well-being platform can be seen as a response to absenteeism.
Click here to discover our unique digital well-being platform
Questions or an individual quotation? Contact 361°