Our methodology

Our approach

361° stands for a
no-nonsense culture.

Our approach is INNOVATIVE, ENERGETIC, TARGETED AND PERSONAL, both during the training sessions and during strategic projects. To get a clear picture of the ideal learning and development matrix or the steps to take in terms of well-being, we will first evaluate how your organisation and people work. Based on this thorough analysis, we will provide you with tailor-made advice, after which we will help you establish your well-being project or demand by using our wide variety of tools and our broad experience. At 361° we complete the circle and go even one step further.

Our motto?

Starting from your brain …

361° comes up with smart solutions for executives, teams and organisations. In a positive and practical way, we help you with the development of your culture, passion, behaviour, cooperation, communication and leadership. While doing so, we rely on our knowledge of the brain and our years of experience with the Institute of NeuroCognitivism in Brussels and the research centre in Paris.

361° approach - neurocognitivism management

… to the very core of your motivation

For all our services, we use a unique personality test. Using an online questionnaire, we measure intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, inhibitions, assertiveness, stress resistance and the capabilities of the prefrontal cortex or your blue capital, the part of the brain that is totally adapted to the VUCA world. From now on, our fast-paced and highly connected society will no longer keep our talents from developing. On the contrary, you will experience our new reality as a fascinating world full of opportunities.

Fascinated by our methodology?

Find out how we can apply it to your company and employees.